Welcome to our website for Belchford’s  community renewable energy Scheme.  This project is the first community solar project in Lincolnshire.

The panels and equipment have been installed and were commissioned on Friday 11th October 2014 and are now generating green electricity.

The Co-op would like to thank all those who have passed on their best wishes to us during the development of the project and we would like to assure them and everyone else that we will broadcast all figures being generated to the grid, in the table below.

Business Plan co-op rules for BCSC Share Offer Document

For further information, please email peter03461@gmail.com or telephone 07747778483

belchford downhill challenge about Belchford Belchford website

For information about the village of Belchford please follow the links below

‘Belchford Community Solar Co-operative Ltd is Registered under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014 as registered number MS32246R’

Live update of national solar power input

Belchford Community Solar Co-op Data